Our experts are here to guide you through the intricacies of ISO 22000, a globally recognized standard that sets the foundation for an effective FSMS.

  1. Gap Analysis and Planning: Our experienced consultants will conduct a thorough gap analysis of your current food safety practices, identifying areas that require improvement. Based on the findings, we will develop a customized implementation plan tailored to your organization's unique requirements.
  2. Establishing Prerequisite Programs (PRPs): PRPs form the foundation of ISO 22000. Our experts will assist you in developing and implementing robust PRPs, covering areas such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), sanitation, and pest control.
  3. Developing a Hazard Analysis: Identifying potential hazards and assessing associated risks is crucial to ISO 22000 compliance. Our consultants will guide you in conducting a comprehensive hazard analysis, establishing control measures, and defining critical control points.
  4. Implementing Operational Prerequisite Programs (oPRPs): oPRPs are specific to process controls and are essential for managing identified hazards. We will work closely with your team to implement and monitor these controls effectively.
  5. Establishing a Food Safety Management System: We will help you develop and document the necessary procedures, policies, and records to meet ISO 22000 requirements. This includes setting up a document control system, establishing corrective and preventive action processes, and conducting internal audits.
  6. Training and Awareness: Our consultants will conduct training sessions to ensure your employees have a solid understanding of ISO 22000 requirements and their roles in maintaining food safety. This fosters a culture of continuous improvement and vigilance.


ISO 22000 is a vital tool for organizations in the food industry to ensure the safety and quality of their products. By implementing ISO 22000 and working with Impetus Management Solutions, you can establish a robust FSMS that mitigates risks, enhances customer confidence, and drives operational efficiency. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through the implementation process, offering tailored solutions that align with your organization's goals and objectives. Trust in ISO 22000 to safeguard your reputation and prioritize the well-being of consumers.

Remember, food safety is not just a legal obligation—it is a responsibility we owe to our consumers, our industry and to the Nation. With ISO 22000, you can elevate your food safety practices, protect your brand reputation, and contribute to the well-being of your customers. Trust Impetus Management Solutions to be your partner in achieving food safety excellence through ISO 22000.

Contact us today to embark on your journey towards excellence in food safety.

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